Contact Us

    If you reach us after hours, please leave a message and we will return your call the following business day.  Feel free to request an appointment by our contact form.

    Thank you for your interest in Center for Wellness.

    If you have any questions or would like an appointment, feel free to contact us at any of the below three locations. You may also fill out this contact form with any questions/comments.  Thank you and we look forward to helping you become healthier!

    Center for Wellness – Business Hours:

    Morristown Office: (423) 581-7976

    1843 West Morris Blvd
    Mon, Wed, Thur: 10AM – 5:30PM
    Tues: 10AM – 6:30PM
    Fri: 9AM – 3PM
    Saturday: 10AM – 1PM (By Appointment Only)

    Sevierville Office: (865) 429-0921

    1360 Dolly Parton Parkway
    Mon: 10AM – 6:30PM
    Tue, Wed, Thur: 10AM – 5:30PM
    Fri: 9AM – 3PM